A triple-header night featuring The Summer Rabbit, Saint John’s The Backstays and Willow St. Station happens at The Carleton on Friday, October 26th. Show time is 10 PM and it’s only $7 at the door to get in on the action! Something for everyone on this night, folks…

The Summer Rabbit is a pop-rock band from Sydney Nova Scotia that lives in the HRM. they tend to describe themselves as a clean mix of the Beatles and the Band. You know when you‘re driving around with your friends and THAT song comes on, and everyone looks at each other and starts singing along and pretending to play the instruments? That’s what they make people do.
So you walk into a bar and you see this ecstatic guy singing these contagious lyrics, bouncing around and pounding away at his guitar; that’s Blair Lucas. Blair writes 99% of the current material and has been writing for years. You look to his left and see this slightly taller dude singing harmonies and playing what looks like a Hofner bass but it’s actually just an Epiphone (You wouldn’t believe how many people think it’s a Hofner), and he’s wearing something probably stupid-looking. That’s Dan Taylor, what a weirdo. Lastly, the rhythm keeper, the beat maker, the hoodie-wearing specialist and all around A+ percussionist, Brett Chivari.
The band as been climbing the gig ladder and are hoping to hop onto that nice shiny new ladder that hasn’t been jumped on yet.

The Backstays combine the blue-collar rock of Bruce Springsteen, the song writing style of Matt Mays, the synths of A Flock of Seagulls and the solos of Neil Young, all in sing-songs about Saint John. Those themes range from nights on Saint John’s boardwalk, to the famously devastating Groundhog Day Gale of 1976, to living in a corporately-owned province and the idiosyncrasies of the city.

Immersive, introspective and bold – Willow St. Station weaves together intricate vocal hooks and harmonies with beautiful instrumentals; cherry-topped with honest lyrics that breathe. These sonic elements come together along with a hypnotic and powerful stage show to create an experience that brings the listener through a journey that starts at the heart and ends at the soul.