It’s been a long, long time, but we are pleased, nay, thrilled to announce that Skydiggers (in a quartet configuration) will finally return to The Carleton for its 15th Anniversary celebrations – the second of two shows – on Friday, May 26th. Live music gets underway at 8:00 PM and tickets, while they last, are $50 + HST.

Chemistry, passion, energy and evolution are a few words that come to mind when Andy Maize and Josh Finlayson talk about twenty-five years together in Skydiggers.
Their sound developed at an impressive rate, thanks to the discipline and work ethic the weekly showcase at the Spadina Hotel in Toronto placed on the band. New songs, new covers and a sound that grew to include electric instruments developed in the hothouse atmosphere of rehearsals, songwriting sessions and live performances.
Over a quarter of a century later, thanks to years on the road and in the studio, Skydiggers are not only riding all of those years of momentum but continuing to evolve as well. According to Andy Maize and Josh Finlayson one of the keys is chemistry. One day, if someone with perfect penmanship and a great memory for details takes up a Canadian Rock Family Tree project and plots the development of the Canadian roots rock community, they may discover that many — if not all — branches and roots at some point interconnect with the Skydiggers.
“We’ve played with other people, other people have come into this circle and played with us. They’ve put their stamp on our music. But on the other hand, I think we recognize there is something consistent and something we all value that is threaded through all our records.” says Finlayson.
Maize deeply appreciates the contributions of every artist who has played with the Skydiggers over the years, musing that perhaps that is the reason why the band dropped its official ‘The’ somewhere along the way. “We realize how fortunate we are to be part of a community. And so everybody is a Skydigger – past, present and future.”