quiet hill and Jessie Brown, along with Arsoniste, team up to headline a show at The Carleton on Friday, February 15th. Show time is 10 PM and it’s only $8 at the door to get in on the action.

quiet hill is original music from the top of a hill and the basement of a house in Dartmouth (across the harbour from Halifax), Nova Scotia. A merging of soul/rock and indie, quiet hill is the musical musings on life and love from Jacquie Thillaye. quiet hill comprises – Dave Johnson (guitar), Henry Taylor (bass), Mike MacKinnon (drums) and Fionnuala Reynolds. Life is short. Make music, make love, love art, laugh loud, laugh often.

Luring you in with her powerful and expressive voice, Jessie Brown is a siren perched atop the rocky shores of Halifax, Nova Scotia.
With her power trio’s dark and moody take on alternative soul, they’re described as Aretha Franklin singing for Queens Of The Stoneage. This doom trio will entice you to shore, crush your expectations and keep your heart as a souvenir.

Arsoniste (Rachel Sunter) is a synthpop and piano singer-songwriter.