Party Boots band member, Nick MacLellan – along with friends Yonelis Legra Noa (Son Latino) and Jessica Russell – celebrates the release of his début album with a show at The Carleton on Friday, February 19th. Show time is 7 PM and tickets are $11.50.
Tickets from the originally scheduled December 11th date will be honoured on February 19th.
***If you want to sit with others who have purchased their tickets separately, please email with the names***

Nick MacLellan is a Nova Scotia musician who has shared the stage with many of the region’s finest musicians, and is stepping forward with a debut album. The genre? Alternative pop with a variety of sounds from all over.

Yonelis Legra Noa was born in Cuba and since an early age she started to sing and participated in several local music festivals. She went to music school in Cuba where she studied flute and piano. Yonelis relocated to Halifax and is now the lead singer of Son Latino.

Jessica Russell is an up-and-coming country singer/songwriter from Nova Scotia.