Monday night’s event at the 13th annual edition of the Halifax Urban Folk Festival at The Carleton shines a spotlight on our Francophone friends, the rocking Sluice band and Julie Aubé from Les Hay Babies! Show time is 7 PM and tickets are $25 + HST.
***Please note: we will be selling all seats in the room for this show. We will try our best to seat everyone with friends but this is not a table bubble event***

Sluice est un groupe powerpop acadien dirigé par Trevor Murphy (Quiet Parade/Dance Movie). Ancrées dans les étés joviaux et brumeux de Par-en-Bas et livrés avec des guitares énormes, des basses aux sonorité distorsionées et des mélodies inoubliables, ses chansons se penchent sur cette géographie rurale pour raconter des histoires nostalgiques de jeune amour et d’abandon sans épave tout en restant fidèle à l’accent et au dialecte distincts de l’une des plus anciennes régions acadiennes du pays. Ceci, comme le dit CBC Music, « est la musique en tant que micro-histoire »
Sluice is a French-Acadian powerpop band helmed by Trevor Murphy (Quiet Parade/Dance Movie). Anchored in the foggy and breezy summers of Par-en-Bas, and delivered with huge guitars, crunchy bass, and indelible hooks, the songs lean on this rural geography to tell wistful stories of young love and reckless abandon all while staying true to the distinct accent and dialect of one of the oldest Acadian regions in the country. This, as CBC Music says, “is music as micro-history.”
Five years since her first opus Joie de vivre, Julie Aubé, a member of the Acadian trio Les Hay Babies, is signalling a return to the music scene. On the heels of the global pandemic, this new album, Contentment , expected for fall 2022, is inspired by a meditation on isolation and recognition. Like sixties icons Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell and Buffy Sainte-Marie, the singer-songwriter notes how the universal and revolutionary themes of this era such as love, peace and happiness remain relevant in 2022.