Hard-working local Doug Hawco celebrates the release of a new album – Follow – with his debut show at The Carleton on Thursday, August 2nd, along with fellow singer/songwriter, Tye Dempsey. Show time is 9 PM and admission is $8 at the door.

Windows down and stereo up, you’re cruising along a country back road… The sounds flow strong and steady through the speakers… For reasons unknown, your spirits soar… In that moment, all is well with the world. Somehow you just know: everything’s gonna be alright. That feeling is the essence of Tye Dempsey’s music.
This singer/songwriter from Canada’s East Coast, grew up listening to classic rock and traditional roots music that resonated deeply with that sensation of simple freedom. Seeing it as a duty and honour to impart those vibes to future generations, his stellar songs and engaging performance shine with an inherent optimism… and it’s contagious. Melodic guitar mixed with true-to-life lyrics and catchy song structures prove that this young gentleman is future-bound and flying fearlessly, yet often glancing through that gleaming chrome rear-view mirror of the past. The tank’s full and the rumble-seat’s ready, so why not hop on for the ride? You’ll learn anger is never the answer, but good music always is.