As part of our Dinner At The Carleton series, we’re happy to present Cape Breton singer/songwriter Rusty James on Friday, August 23rd. Rusty performs starting at 6 PM and, as always with this series, the live music is FREE.

Rusty James is an east coast singer song writer. A story teller with a Woody Guthrie-like approach to life. An old pair of cowboy boots and a pretty sweet Dad Bod. Playing live shows, working on his forthcoming debut album, and living the simple life with his family in the Cape are most important but Rusty also travels, working on commercial freighter vessels as a helmsmen to help earn keep; claims to get an up close look at the North and its people. When not going ashore he breaks out his guitar and writes in his cabin until the next port – from the Great Lakes to the Eastern seaboard & all the bustling cites and smallest of small towns in between. From Chicago to Montreal and all the way down to New York. The most interesting characters you could ever chance meet and a boat-load of stories and songs to prove it. Check him out and enjoy. Are they true tales or tall sails? Come and see for yourself.