Dammien “Dame” Alexander and his band, along with RaSquatch team up to entertain you at The Carleton on Saturday, October 27th. Show time is 10 PM and admission is only $8 at the door.

Philadelphia-born singer/songwriter Dammien Alexander has been playing around the world as part of bands and in solo performances for a number of years. With comparisons to Pharrell, Prince, D’Angelo, John Legend, and Outkast, Dammien’s voice and presence are are remarkable and unmistakable.

You might think that the story of RaSquatch starts with a funky bunch of friends who, in the spring of 2012 started a band in Halifax, Nova Scotia ,Canada . A band that decided ,as part of their mission, to have fun and make music with a positive message, funky arrangements, and danceable beats. A band that shows their sense of humour and love of playing each time they take the stage. If you were to think this, you would be correct, but there is much more to the story …