Since guitarist Jeff Healey left us, far too early, in the spring of 2008, it seems that many have already forgotten just what a singular talent he was. His drummer and manager, Tom Stephen, aims to remind us all that Jeff belongs in the conversation about “greatest guitarists of all time” with his new book, Best Seat In The House: My Life In The Jeff Healey Band.
Because Tom is from the East Coast (Saint John) and the band broke initially out of the Martimes, we’re happy to be hosting a book launch event at The Carleton on Friday, November 30th. Mike Campbell will conduct a short interview with Tom, followed by a book signing session, in the private room at the club between 5 and 7 PM. Admission is FREE but space is limited, so get there early. Tom will have books for sale at the event.

The book documents Tom Stephen’s journey from urban planner to rock’n’roll drummer for one of the most incendiary guitarists the music world has ever seen. It’s an inside look at rock’s wild ride, warts and all, that provides excellent insight into the complex man in the eye of the storm: Jeff Healey. Tom’s had an astonishing life and it’s all in here, the book is a great read!