In celebration of the release of her new Quarantine Dream album, Toronto’s Andrea Ramolo heads east to Halifax for a show at The Carleton on Sunday, March 13th. Opening the show is our own Daniel James McFadyen! Show time is 7 PM and tickets are $25 + HST.
***If you want to sit with others who have purchased their tickets separately, please email with the names***

Singer-songwriter Andrea Ramolo is the first to admit that she creates music out of chaos and often misery. If that is a dark statement, it’s also one she laughs about because it all works out in the end. This time, once again, it has lent itself to the creation of her stunning new seventh studio album, Quarantine Dream. Her past six studio albums — four solo and two with the duo Scarlett Jane — have been borne out of heartbreak, but Quarantine Dream, made almost entirely with women, is different: it’s about a breakup with our lives as we knew it when COVID-19 hit in early 2020.
“The record’s about extreme hope, extreme fear, extreme loss, extreme loneliness, and extreme imagination — wishing and hoping for a better tomorrow,” says Andrea.
Meanwhile, as the virus spread in Canada too and the country went into lockdown, for her creative and personal sanity Andrea became part of a bi-monthly online group of women and non-binary friends with a who’s who of talent from the music industry and beyond, including Jill Barber, Sarah Slean, Melissa McClelland, Ivan Coyote, Erin Costello, The Good Lovelies, and some of the people who would later appear on Quarantine Dream, Sarah, Hill, Kathryn, Brenley and Lisa (Madison Violet).
Singer-songwriter Daniel James McFadyen began his musical journey by playing at small, bustling pubs in and around the Annapolis Valley. After touring Nova Scotia extensively in 2019, Daniel’s music began to gain publicity and popularity. The release of his second EP “Goin Back” (featuring the popular single of the same name), landed Daniel in a position to make music his full time career. His upbeat and captivating storytelling mixed with his interactive performances has made him a crowd favourite across the province. Daniel’s upcoming debut album. August, I’m Yours, is out now.